Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kendo Multiselect, Calendars, Select disappearing! FireFox Conflict?

I have been haunted for months, or apparently at least since FireFox 28 came out, with a Kendo control bug. The bug manifested itself in the Kendo DatePicker, Select and MultiSelect. The problem was the control would only briefly open and then close. Of course, this is an issue when a user is trying to select something from a list...
The bug only appeared in FireFox and not every instance of a Kendo control was plagued with the bug. Sometimes it worked just fine. I suspect there was some sort of a conflict with Kendo/Knockout/Jquery. Who knows?? But for months I have been dealing with converting each control back to regular ASP/MVC Controls or Jquery Calendars or Chosen multiselects. It is a very time consuming process since the application had hundreds of controls and each had different code to support it.
However, today, I found I was unable to fix a multi-select because it was contained in a Kendo window so it was being forced to be a Kendo control --- not a Chosen control. So I went hunting again on Google for a solution. And by some sort of a miracle I finally found a solution to my problem.
Lo and behold, if you just add the css class to your stylesheet, all is fixed.
.k-ff { overflow: inherit !important; }
I tried to replace the kendo.popup.min file but that did not work at all.


  1. Thank you so much! I also tried replacing the .js file and it didn't work so I gave up on that solution. Then your post made me try the CSS solution and it worked :)

    1. I am so glad the post helped you! That was a very frustrating bug.
