Saturday, June 5, 2010

T-Mobile Hot Spot - Blue Phone Light Indicator

We have T-Mobile's hot spot at home for our phone line. It works fine most of the time, however, when there is a storm and the power goes out, we lose the phone line. And I don't realize for many days until I try to use my phone and there is no dial tone.

So after about 4 times of this (about 10 tries a piece), i think i have the steps down to get the phone light back on most reliably.

Turn off the power to all of it.

Disconnect the hot spot router from the cable modem.

Go ahead and disconnect the phone line (not sure if this matters)

Disconnect the cable coaxial cable from the cable modem

Plug the coaxial cable back in after oh about 15 seconds

Power on the cable modem, wait until the lights all stabilize, they seem to flash, and do something for a bit, then when the Cable indicator has been solid for a good few seconds

Power on the hot spot router

connect the router back up to the cable modem

connect the phone line, wait, it takes up to 2 minutes for the blue light to come on

If this does not work, repeat again and again and I promise it will eventually work!!! Every time I get mad and give up, I come back then the blue light comes on!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Set up FTP Site on Windows 2008, using IIS 6.0!

It has been quite awhile since I've posted. I guess I've haven't done anything too interesting in the world of computers and programming until this week.

Okay, so my task this week was to move the current webserver from a Windows 2000 server to a new Windows 2008 server. Whoa! We're kinda behind! And oh my things have changed! I'll admit, at first, I totally complained off this new server layout. Hey, I knew how to navigate that old server and I kind of liked it, BUT it was dying, dying, dying. Soooo bye-bye my little server, HELLO 2008!

Okay, so I didn't do all this in a week, I prepared in the previous weeks and switched the IP address over this week, and thanked my lucky stars it went pretty smooth, a few glitches, but not too bad. EXCEPT, the FTP site. I did not originally set up the FTP site, nor have I before, so this was all new to me.

So just in case you ever need to know, here are a few actions that somehow got the FTP site to finally run:

Turn on the FTP Service
using the Turn Windows Features on or off. This is kind of hidden in my opinion. It is located inside the Server Manager as a Role in the Web Services area.

Create your FTP Site:
Inside the IIS Manager, Click FTP Sites, it will guide you through a link to open the IIS 6.0 manager.

Under FTP Site, add a new site. In my case i used the Isolated Users option, due to the fact that at this time we are using a Windows 2000 server to host our Active Directory, it appeared there was more setup to do on that server if I wanted to use the Active Directory, and since it will be upgraded soon, I chose to use the plain jane Isolated Users.

Now, some tricky parts.

Problem 1: Could not connect to the ftp site from my browser or command line or filezilla....
Resolution: Open Ports. Using an elevated command prompt, I ran the following command on the server:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="FTP (non-SSL)" action=allow protocol=TCP dir=in localport=21

Also, I ran this one for FTP dynamic ports (umm..whatever that means, I just follow instructions):

netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFtp enable

Next, I had to open up the ports in the Firewall, so I opened up the Firewall, Server Manager - Go To Firewall Properties - Windows Firewall Properties - Inbound Rules

Add a new rule. (located on the right side of interface);
Under rule type select the radio for "Port" and hit next
Select the radio for "Specific Local Ports". Typed the range out separating each port with a comma (I think I did 5500-5525). And hit next

Then, I set up the passive ftp port range, again whatever, just follow the instructions:

since, i'm in IIS 6.0, in an elevated command prompt, go to c:\inetpub\AdminScripts, then run:

adsutil.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange "5500-5525"

Okay, so port now open.

Problem 2: Setting up an FTP folder. This is where it is so complicated until you know what the heck is going on.

In this site, I need to allow anonymous access and allow users to log in to certain folders.

When setting up these folder, you have to be aware that there are Virtual Directories and Physical Directories, these are coupled together, especially in naming convention! It appears Windows FTP does some sort of name matching, for the domain name and user name, or just the user name for local users.

The physical directory:

For anonymous users, you set up the following under your root ftp directory (mine was c:\inetpub\ftproot), maybe this isn't safe but it works...

in that folder, you must create this structure so that anonymous users are automatically "dropped" into there:


On the physical folder, the IUSR_XXXX account (account used to anonymously access the site), needs to have whatever appropriate permission, read, write, list on the public folder or folders created under it.

Next, my domain users needed access to their folders. To do this, i had to create a folder under the root named the same as the domain name:


For each user, i created a folder named their login name:


**on the physical folder add NTFS permissions for the specific user, with the appropriate permissions - read, write, whatever.**

Next set up the users network folder:

Inside the user's folder, i had to create a dummy folder


Okay now the Virtual Directory Hook-Up:

(we don't need to do anything else for the anonymous folder, apparently, Windows takes care of that after you create the right physical folders.)

for each domain user that has a folder, you will need to create a Virtual Directory that points to that folder and named the SAME as that folder name:

So, I created the VD: junk-domain-name, that points to c:\inetpub\ftproot\junk-domain-name

Also, for the access to the network folder, i had to create a VD, with the same name as the dummy folder name:

So, I created the VD: dummy-folder-name, that points to the NETWORK PATH \\network-file-share-name\junk-name

Ah, so I think those were the steps, this took me roughly 3 days to do. I thought it was going to be way easier than all this but i did learn alot!

Hope that helps someone!!