Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Picup App load image locally rather than using Imgur

A few months back I blogged about using the Picup app to grap iPhone/iPod/iPad pictures from their "i"-device to your website.

The part that has been bugging me was doing a remote upload to Imgur rather than a local upload to my server. I assume Imgur owns any image you upload to them which was a concern of mine.

So I spent some time yesterday trying to figure out my missing piece. I was relieved when I figured out that it was not my lack of brain power :) but rather the technology that I was using. I don't generally use classic ASP. I prefer ASP.NET/C# or PHP any day! With Classic ASP, you cannot easily upload files to your server by accessing the response.form. Instead, you have to download one of several 3rd party components to get the files, which then you have to register the dll blah blah blah.

However, on my server I happened to also have access to PHP. Out of frustration, I thought I will just try all my code on PHP to see if the upload will work. And it did...easily.

So to re-iterate the steps:

STEP 1. Create initial page with an input button, here is a short sample:
<body class="iphone" onLoad="loadMobile();" >
<form method="post" name="form1">

<input type="file" name="attach1" id="attach1"/>

STEP 2. Add script calls to that page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/picup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script>
STEP 3. Add javascript function that sets up picup app settings. This function is loaded on the body "onLoad" see step 1. You could probably use jQuery to load this after document ready...
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function loadMobile(){

var url = escape('http://yourwebsite.com/uploadPhoto.asp');
var posturl = escape('http://yourwebsite.com/get-posted.php');

currentParams = {
'callbackURL': url, //the page called after upload.
'referrername'   : escape('mywebsitename'),
'referrerfavicon'  : escape('http://yourwebsite.com/images/favicon.ico'),
'purpose'               : escape('Select...message to user..'),
'debug'   : 'false',
'returnThumbnailDataURL': 'false',
'thumbnailSize'         : '80',
'postURL': posturl,    //the page that will upload the photo
'returnServerResponse':'true' //returns output of posturl

Picup.convertFileInput($('attach1'), currentParams);
STEP 4. Setup the "postURL" page, for me it is a simple PHP file. It outputs the name of the file as the response body so that my callback page can get the file name and update records accordingly.
if (isset($_FILES)){
 foreach ($_FILES as $key => $file){
  move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], 'photos/'.$file['name']);
  echo $file['name'];
STEP 5. Setup the javascript on the callback page to grab the file name...and anything else that it needs.
<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
var fileName = unescape(getHashUrlVars()['serverResponse']);
var success = getHashUrlVars()['status'];

//parse hashed values from url
function getHashUrlVars(){
 var vars = [], hash;
 var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('#') + 1).split('&');
 for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
 hash = hashes[i].split('=');
 vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
 return vars;

....process as needed

I hope this helps.


  1. Hello Can you Help me out with this code. Ima struggling from 2 days I want it into asp.net c# Please Help me

  2. What are you having trouble with?

  3. I am not getting the code to upload the file from aspx.cs(code behind file) once it is passed from my javascript callbackurl should i post you the code??

  4. post your email here, and I will send you an email (I won't publish your email, it will just delete it from comments)
