Monday, July 23, 2012

T-Mobile Hotspot @home blue light (phone port) not on

I've posted on this topic before, but here is another tip I have for this setup. If your blue router light for the phone port does not come on after having worked for years, you may want to upgrade the firmware. Our phone line stopped working a couple weeks ago after working fine for quite some time (the wireless internet was working just fine).

I have the WRTU54G-TM Linksys router. I logged into the Admin Tool via a browser. You will need to navigate to in your brower, login as admin and if you have never been there before probably use the default password located on your router.

Once you have logged in go to Administration - Firmware upgrade. I downloaded the latest upgrade file from Linksys and ran the upgrade. After restarting the router with the SIM card installed in slot 2, and waiting quite a bit, the blue light came on.

You may have to wait a bit, it did not happen immediately. IDK when it happened because I was just walking by thinking it was still not working when I noticed the light on.

Hope that helps!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Gold Cart Thumbnail Gallery Link not Working

If you find one day that your Gold Cart Thumbnail gallery images are not click-able, this post may help you! I was using the following in my wp-ecommerce wpsc-single-product.php page, to display small thumbnail images below the large, main image, these are supposed to be click-able and should open up the big gallery image when clicked, depending on your setting for the main image i should add.

if ( function_exists( 'gold_shpcrt_display_gallery' ) )
 echo gold_shpcrt_display_gallery( wpsc_the_product_id() );

I am not sure at what point the image links were not working..I had modified the code from just changing out the main image to opening the gallery maybe that broke it or it was always broke.. Anyhow, in using Firebug I could tell the anchor/image link was set up but just not working right, of course, after much research I finally came across this post: that suggested I do this:

if ( function_exists( 'gold_shpcrt_display_gallery' ) )
 echo str_replace('attachment-gold-thumbnails', '',  gold_shpcrt_display_gallery(wpsc_the_product_id() ));
Which was removing the 'attachment-gold-thumbnails' from the output. 'Cause it was getting in the way! And that worked out perfect!