Friday, February 5, 2010

Active Reports - Single report with multiple subreport

I have created a single Active Report with a single subreport before. Not too difficult. Mine looked like this in the code view:

//create an xml datasource for the subreport
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.DataSources.XMLDataSource xmlDS = new DataDynamics.ActiveReports.DataSources.XMLDataSource();

//load data
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDS.FileURL = null;
xmlDS.RecordsetPattern = "//book";

//set report datasource
BookDetail ed = new BookDetail();
this.subReport1.Report = ed;
this.subReport1.Report.DataSource = xmlDS;

Okay, so I thought when I added a second subreport with different data, I could just do the same, but I added an if statement that skipped doing anything with the subreport if the object was null.

And, THAT was a problem, it seems. When I would run the report, nothing showed up in the second subreport, even though it should have. Even when I put a breakpoint in the subreport, the Fetch method wasn't being hit - that was a clue.

Well, I guess, even if you have null data you still gotta do something with the subsequent subreport. So, I found an example on the AR support site that explained this to me - setting up a dummy object.

//create an xml datasource for the subreport
DataDynamics.ActiveReports.DataSources.XMLDataSource finalDS = new DataDynamics.ActiveReports.DataSources.XMLDataSource();

XElement BookXml = new XElement("Books");

//load data
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
finalDS.FileURL = null;
finalDS.RecordsetPattern = "//book";

User_Book book = Book.GetItem(b.ID, m.ID);

if book != null)
//set subreport datasource
BookDetail fed = new BookDetail();
this.subReport2.Report = fed;
this.subReport2.Report.DataSource = finalDS;
BookDetail fed = new BookDetail();
fed.DetailData = false;
this.subReport2.Report = fed;

Hope this helps someone!


  1. scott looks like we have a comment you may help us with under Active Reports - Parameter Passing....

  2. @elleshort: Sorry for the delay. I don't get any notifications about comments here. I will try to remember to subscribe from now on. You can always notify me via

  3. thanks !.. was stuck on this for a while.
